Why Write for Us?

Contributing a blog post to the official website of the Committee on Family Research (RC06 or CFR) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) offers you the opportunity to share your knowledge, insights, and research with a broad audience interested in sociology of family. It’s an excellent opportunity to engage with the community, enhance your professional visibility, and contribute to important discussions and debates in the field.

Who Can Submit?

Our blog is committed to fostering a rich and diverse dialogue within the field of family sociology. We warmly invite submissions from a broad range of contributors who are actively engaged in the exploration and understanding of family dynamics and structures. This includes:

  • Academics: Professors, lecturers, and researchers affiliated with higher education institutions who are conducting studies or have expertise in family sociology or related fields. We encourage submissions that share insights from ongoing research, theoretical developments, or reflections on research methodologies and practices.
  • PhD Students: Doctoral candidates who are in the process of conducting their dissertation research related to family sociology. This platform offers an opportunity to discuss your research topics, methodologies, preliminary findings, or theoretical contributions with a wider audience.
  • Early career researchers: Individuals who have recently completed their graduate studies and are beginning their professional journeys in academia, research institutions, or applied research practice. Contributions can include reflections on your research journey, discussions of emerging trends in the study of families, or analyses of societal issues affecting family dynamics.
  • Practitioners in applied research: People working in policy-making, social work, public health, and other related fields who apply sociological principles to address real-world family issues. Insights into the practical implications of sociological and social policy research on families, case studies, and best practices are highly valued.

Submission Guidelines

Acceptable variations of submissions

We welcome contributions that illuminate the diverse spectrum of sociological inquiry. Submissions may fall into one of the following categories, each serving as a vital component of our collective exploration of society and families.

  • Ongoing research project: An in-depth exposition of a research project currently in progress. This narrative should provide a comprehensive overview of the research’s objectives, methodology, preliminary findings, and potential implications. This submission is an open dialogue with the scholarly community, offering a snapshot of the research’s evolution and seeking to engage with contemporaneous academic debates.
  • Completed research: Submissions should detail the research and the implications of its findings, shedding light on how they contribute to or challenge existing analyses/understanding, especially concerning family dynamics. By focusing on the end results, this type of contribution not only enriches the academic discourse but also can serve as a platform for future research directions and policy formulation.
  • Socio-political commentary: This type of blog seeks to go beneath the surface of significant trends, dissecting their implications for families and the structural fabric of society at large. Contributors are encouraged to comment on current events, policy shifts, and cultural evolutions, examining them in a way that invites rigorous debate and critical reflection.

Content specifications

  • Originality – All submissions must be the original work of the author(s) and should not have been previously published as a blog or news item.
  • Word count – Contributions should be meticulously crafted, containing between 800-1000 words.
  • Accessibility – While maintaining academic rigor, the content should be articulated in a manner that is accessible to a broad audience, including those without a specialized background in sociology.
  • Language – we accept submissions in English and Spanish
  • Tone and style – Submissions should be imbued with a tone that is both scholarly and engaging, aiming to stimulate intellectual curiosity and discourse.
  • Citations – All references, data, and quotations cited in the submission must adhere to scholarly standards, following APA 7th edition format.

Formatting and submission

  • Submissions should be formatted as Word documents (.docx) and include a succinct biography of the author(s), highlighting their academic affiliations and areas of expertise.
  • Titles should be evocative and thought provoking as well as being reflective of the article’s content.
  • Authors are encouraged to include relevant visual aids (images, charts, graphs) that comply with copyright regulations. Proper attributions must be provided.
  • Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.

Submission process and editorial policies

  • Submissions should be sent to socvdlg@nus.edu.sg with the subject line “RC06 Guest Blog Submission: (insert your topic/title)”
  • The editorial team reserves the right to suggest modifications for clarity, length, and adherence to our content standards.
  • Acceptance for publication is contingent upon the submission’s relevance, quality, and originality.
  • Authors retain copyright of their work. However, by submitting, authors agree to grant RC06 permission to publish their content on our platform and related social media channels.

We look forward to your contributions and thank you for considering our blog as a platform to share your work and insights into the study of families and society.